
Thank you for visiting my website. I hope you find something worthwhile to read.

My formal education is in Literature, Language Teaching, Distance Education, and Media Design. Informally, I study many things. I work in post-secondary education and online learning.

I live in Canada, currently in Calgary. I have also lived in Central and Eastern Canada, and in Asia.

I don’t blog a lot, and this frequency suits me. I do go through phases depending on the season and depending on time commitments.

Generally, this blog is about (but not limited to) education and technology. Here are the posting categories I use:

EdTech, Language Learning, education theories and ideas, commentary on article I am reading, anything related to education. I work in distance and online learning.

Cool development in technology, game changers, technology in moderation, media studies, parenting and technology, robotics. Everyone has thoughts on technology these days, and so do I.

Graphic design, design issues/discussion, visually appealing items, instructional design, music mixing. I do small scale design work, I’m learning.

Literary devices, languages, evolution of language, languages in digital environments. I’m tempted to combine this one with technology, but here it is by itself. Rightfully so.

Books, music, films, shows, sports, events. Mostly books.

Anything else will end up here unless I feel it warrants its own category. Sometimes I just need a place to post something.

If you want to drill down, you can always click on a tag at the right.

Creative Commons License
Unless otherwise stated, anything here is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

If you use anything, please let me know – I’d like to hear about it.

Glen Cochrane

One thought on “About

  1. I totally agree with you, bought the languagemooc.com name domain a few months ago and started building the required resources with some friends of mine, alon gwith the tatoeba community. I am eager to collaborate with as many people as possible since it is a huge task.

    Liked by 1 person

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